If you are doing a home clean-up or renovation and need to get rid of large items that cannot easily be picked up and thrown on the curb for your usual trash collection, We have your back. These large items can be difficult to pick up and dispose of, especially if you do not have the manpower or vehicle space to haul them away. Our experienced team and affordable pricing allow us to assist anyone in London Ontario, with their large item pick-up and can guarantee we will dispose of it in the best possible way.
When sorting through your old junk and trash in your home, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate the items and what categories they fall into. Large items can include items, such as old sheds, wooden pallets, toilets, couches, hot tubs, spas, pool tables, aquariums, bathtubs, showers, and above-ground pools, or large appliances such as washing machines or dryers. These are items that are not going to be easy for just anyone to pick up and haul away.
Whether the large appliance needs to be disassembled before it is removed depends on the item. If the item does require this, you can do it yourself, or we can do it for you. In most cases, it makes more sense to allow us to complete the disassembling as our team’s experience and training provide us with the knowledge of exactly how items need to be disassembled. The items each need to be disposed of differently depending on the material, to ensure that all materials are disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way.
The environment is everyone’s responsibility to protect, London Junk Removal understands the importance of this statement and strives to ensure everything we dispose of is done in the most environmentally friendly way. Our goal is to be part of the solution, not the problem, so we hold our team to a high standard. Our team is trained continuously on what the harmful substances are and what is disposed of where. Every item we collect is made from multiple materials, and sometimes each one needs to be disposed of separately. Our team ensures that you can rest easy knowing that your items are disposed of with no impact on the environment.
Cleaning or renovating a home and getting rid of large appliances is a big task. Often it is a stressful and chaotic experience that takes time, money, and effort. Why add the stress of removing these items too? Removing large items on your own requires a lot of manpower, which could result in you hurting yourself, and it also requires a specific disposal process that you may not be aware of. When it comes to jobs such as this, it is best to leave it to the professionals to handle.